Sunday 13 October 2013

As promised. 0.603 brings crappy menu screen and resolution options.

I was going to call it a title screen. Then I remembered I haven't even put a title on it. That's how lazy I was about this. But, the game should now change resolutions based on the options you pick in the options menu. I should note I haven't tested these options, so some look stupid. 800 x 600 is particularly bad. Also the text doesn't change sizes. Let me know which have problems, and I'll make text fixes later. I've decided on matters of resolution appearances, my computer can't be trusted, and I have to see what you guys are getting.

Anyway, download:

I'll be putting in a bit of work on 0.61 this week, before I'm on holiday for the weekend. Remember that girl I mentioned who inspired Shield High? Probably not. Those of you who do, I'm off to see her. Once I get back I'll hopefully be more motivated and ready to work.


Pudding Earl


  1. Thanks a lot mate. I'll give it a try later on.

    Have fun on your holiday :)

  2. No idea why, but every time I go to enter the screen to fight Karen I get a game crash. I've also had it crash randomly during other area changes following an event, the most frequent of them being leaving the second class.
    Despite the bugs however I enjoy what you have here so far, and I look forward to being able to force Karen to submit (and everyone else who incurs my wrath) XD

  3. Love your work and really looking forward to more. However, I'm getting the same issue with Karen's fight. The app crashes every time I try to fight her. I've tried the basics, uninstall reinstall, a different system, and a couple of different resolutions. Thoughts?

    1. I'll look into it today. It sounds like I have a problem with the event checks, which is kinda a big deal. I'll probably make some testing releases soon, since it appears that my computer refuses to give an accurate assessment of how stable the game is.
