Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Shield High 0.614 release. All goals met and then a little bit more.

So, as promised, weekends should be more polished now, so I'm more or less done with them until I start adding, y'know, content. That thing that the game needs but doesn't have yet. A little peak at the shops is also present, for those of you who are curious as to what terrible puns I've come up with, as well as perhaps a hint at what you'll actually be able to buy. Also, as promised, Angel dialogue has been added. It's not particularly useful, but it has highlighted to me a small issue that needs to be fixed, and likely will be fixed in the coming future.

Download is here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/hytefxdconllah0/Shield%20High%20JS%200.614.zip

Next week will be spent pretty much entirely on the NPC Manager, I hope to have something to show for it soon, but a lot of it's benefits won't be visible until much, much later on.

Also, for the first time ever I'm going to swallow my pride and accept help. If you would like to write any dialogue for any of the old fights in the new fight-style, that would be really appreciated, and really help get Shield High caught up to it's old self.

Thanks in advance.

Pudding Earl.

P.S. Yes Raine, you can help too.

P.P.S. If you do want to write dialogue, comment with who you plan to write for, so I no one else writes for the same person. As is Andriana is about 50% done.

1 comment:

  1. It's always nice to see new version of Shield High. The game looks better and better but it's still very rough around the edges.
    I don't really want to nit-pick, but there are a few things that you could improve:
    - For 800x600 resolution, sprites are very blurry and in 1366x768 (max resolution I could test) weren't that much better. Problem lays in that you have one (probably) high res sprite and game scales it along whole window to fit chosen resolution which looks bad for the smaller ones. I guess you'd rather not add to code a sprites for each res so maybe just downsize the picture to somewhere in middle as not everyone can play your game in full hd.
    - Some sprites are displayed stretched (in all resolutions): Jessica's next to moving menu and Karen's when you meet her for the first time and at home in scene after winning second fight which btw shows her incorrect sprite when chosen 'be nice'.
    - Rematch with Karen happens on Friday but text says 'tomorrow' (Wednesday). Moreover, stepping on Schoolyard-center after the duel showed the first text before the fight but the fight didn't happen again. And I don't know if there should be some scene after winning the second fight as it showed the mentioned text before the fight. Lastly, after the scene with Karen in your house there's still option 'go to school' while progressing to weekend automatically would be better.
    - If your 'peak at the shops' meant 'go shopping' on weekend, then it's not working. XD
    - The scene with submitting to Karen should trigger after you choose 'attend class' and you could move scene with Samantha to also trigger automatically after last lesson for example. Also scene with her lacks 'continue' button so Jessica's sprite doesn't switch to normal.
    - Dialogues with more options obviously need some fixes but currently after talking with Angel all characters have her dialogue options. And you need to click 'exit' after choosing 'train/wander'. Also you really could add some padding inside the big text box and think about changing the font to sans-serif one (calibri, arial, etc.) to make reading easier.
    - There's no backlog, so pressing 'next' too quickly makes you skip some text in scenes, and without save option, to read it again you need to pass all the classes and fights another time...
    - Text in fights tends to overlay with formulas on the bottom or stick out of the text box especially on smaller resolutions and also the box itself covers stats below. Imo, fights are better than in rags version but fight with Karen was almost too easy.
    - Finally, changing classes order made it tiresome to attend them when they are out of order of A>B>C or C>B>A. 1/2/3 are acceptable. And you could at least remade the lessons graph or use this http://tinypic.com/r/10panvc/8
    I hope it's not too much for your schedule and we'll see some things fixed in the next, better version. And don't forget about some hot content so take your time ;)
