Friday, 10 January 2014

A Quick Question and an Update on Production

Also a kinda confusing capitalization scheme. Okay, let's start off with the question, I'm angry about stuff on the internet and also games and stuff. Sometimes I'm really happy with games, but that's not all that often. So anyway, I was wondering if I started a generic youtube channel to rant, make points about things, and generally share opinions without clogging up the blog with lots of not-development-related posts, would any of you be interested? Would that be a thing people would like? If not, that's understandable, I probably don't have much new to add to any discussions, but I just thought I would ask before I do something stupid. I should note that at some point or another I will be attempting some youtube content, I'm just wondering if this specifically interests you.

And now for that update. Family is *still* here. Amazingly no one has been murdered. They should be leaving this week, and by the middle of next week I hope to be back on a standard development schedule. Sorry about the recent delay, I'll try to come back with some better ethic.

Thanks for your feedback in advance,

Pudding Earl


  1. Well first off i can`t say that i would be particulary interested in that kind of thing.
    Then again it highly depends on the Quality of the Content and of course the Content itself,
    so i probably would check it out first before giving a definitive answer.
    As for the Update i guess a lot can relate to situations like that. Ahh Family visits,
    nobody ever knows what will come out of them. XD

  2. Well, if you really want to make the channel, do it. You'll see the responses when you do, and if it makes you feel better, then do it anyway. Even if people hate it, still record them, but not necessarily post them. You might be able to blow off steam that way.

    As for the update, I'm surprised, too. xD Thankfully it hasn't happened, or there'd be an investigation and you'd be tied up for even longer!

  3. Lameeee, being upset about your family :p

    For the record, I would be interested in the channel. It'd be nice to hear your opinions.
