Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Shield High JS 0.61 finally releases. Proves Pudding Earl was just slack.

Okay, so I finally did like, a tiny bit more. Not as much as I'd hoped. The writing panned out fine but I encountered an unexpected error and I just wasn't up for fixing it tonight, but I promised a release, so here it is. You can now advance to the end of the week, the second Karen fight is on Friday. I am aware the pictures are terrible, and I'm going to fix them next week I promise.

Speaking of next week, here's what you can expect:
-Actual payoff for winning vs Karen.
-Improvements to the pictures in a more standardized way.
-Probably some improvements with font size in smaller resolutions to allow the larger text to fit. Or some other form of solution to the text fitting into the box problem.

Beyond that:
-*Maybe* the first part of the Iris plotline again, to fill out the first week.
-Also the return of Samantha and co, likely with some expansion on the idea.

Yeah, weekends are going to be the big thing that I need to work out, so I'll probably spend a couple days a week fixing that, and the rest on porting week one content/adding any new first week content.

Also, classes each day are switched up. I plan to put in a schedule at some point. Until then I made a list of the classrooms for you:

Now, download link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/4y4t6pe37w414yt/Shield%20High%20JS%200.61.zip

Sorry I'm a terrible game developer! I'll try and be better from now on.

Pudding Earl.


  1. Tried it out and still could not progress past the karen fight >.< whether winning or losing, it simply flashes out of control and I can't progress.

    1. Odd. Could you tell me *exactly* what you're doing?

  2. I know RAGS was frustrating but perhaps it's the better choice for this game. I don't remember having problems with it, and I enjoyed your work on it quite a bit.


    1. At the very start I registered and couldn't advance, I reset and it worked the second time.

    2. After losing to Karen it wouldn't let me finish classes.

    3. Random bugged out that stopped me from advancing anywhere also towards the beginning.

    @~@ Hope everything can get fixed, orginally I had the flashes out of control on previous releases not in this one.

    1. Question: When was the last bug that stopped you advancing?

      Second question: How weren't you able to finish classes? And not to insult your intelligence here but I absolutely must check, were you going to the right classrooms?

  3. I keep getting the "No suitable graphics card foud." error. It follows stating that the device does not support the "XNA Framework Reach profile.".

    DXruntime is up to date, it is the graphics subsystem that is indeed very old.

    Is this something you can change on your side or am I stuck while at this particular system? There does not seem to be anything in the game that would really demand a more recent graphics card.

    1. Short of moving on to a different framework or making one from scratch not really. And as much as it sucks that you can't play it, I'd really rather not re-learn everything and hold things up longer just to fix a problem that would appear to affect only one person...which makes me sound really insensitive and I'm sorry.
