Sunday, 8 December 2013

Ego Promises!

So like, I've been slacking. Obviously. I have a couple other things I'm working on, so I keep neglecting Shield High and telling myself it's okay because I did work on some other thing. And it's really, really not. So this is me motivating myself to actually work by putting my ego on the line. THERE WILL BE A RELEASE THIS WEEK!

The exact quality of that release is up for question, I may not have time to update the pictures, but Karen fight 2 will be absolutely implemented. Then I'll try and hit a weekly or fortnightly release schedule again.

I'm really, really sorry for my absence.

Pudding Earl.


  1. Hey I was running into an issue where after losing to Karen in the first fight, the screen flashes like crazy and refuses to really go anywhere else.

    also. Will there be some kind of save function for this new 'style'?

    1. That bugs been fixed, generally if you encounter that bug it simply means that that's as much content I've done, and in the rush to put it out there I neglected to do some of the post-fight clean up.

      As for the second question....ideally. Currently I have no idea how to go about it, but once I've got a bit of momentum back I'll start studying again and try to find out how to do it.
