So. Turns out the problem I needed to fix. I'd already fixed that. I could've released on the 24th. Buuuut I didn't. So instead I added the timetable for you all. So you can see where to go for each class. Anyway, I did some bug fixing for you all, so that issue for low resolution games is fixed. I've made *functional* weekends. They aren't pretty, they need a little more work, but they function. I've also added a bunch of silent characters to just give myself some ground work for later and also see how adding more pictures affects the game size. It's also a small look at how some of the other characters look.
Anyway, download link:
Next week will bring no release as I have family coming to visit soon and I wasted half a week with family and I'm just a little too stressed out to work while they're around. I'll keep you all posted on what's happening, and might finally post the unfinished Joyce stuff I was doing. Maybe.
Pudding Earl
The development blog of Pudding Games. Updates on current projects, announcements of future projects and random ideas of the Pudding Earl can all be found here.
Friday, 27 December 2013
Tuesday, 24 December 2013
Sorry about the lack of release!
So, I was aiming to release something yesterday, being Christmas Eve for me, but my family is staying at my house, which leaves me with very little time to test Shield High. So, while Christmas is happening there won't be a release, but there should be one on like, the 27th.
Pudding Earl
Pudding Earl
Wednesday, 18 December 2013
Shield High JS 0.611 brings pretty pictures and I pretty words.
Not gonna lie here guys, I didn't get a lot done this week. Not because of any slacking off, I should note. Though there was a bit of that towards the end. No, this week was just spent wrestling with a largely utility-based part of the game. Text wrap. Text wrap now does some really cool stuff, like breaking the text into new text entries if it flows too long, so I can now just past an entire segment in without having to manually break it up like I used to. That does have the small unfortunate side effect of no more dramatic pacing
Also combat pictures are now mostly uniform. Positioning of characters varies a little, but they're the same size within a couple pixels, and they've got a nice area of blue above them. What's the blue area for? Taller characters. Now if a character is taller than Jessica you can actually see the difference in the fight screen. I'm going to apply the same thing to the conversation screens when I get around to overhauling those.
Anyway, download is here:
Let me know what you all think, feedback and bug reports are always appreciated. My apologies I was unable to deal with the previous bugs, if they persist please try and narrow down the cause/when the bugs start/when the bugs end/what exactly happened when you got a bug, so I can try and fix it.
Pudding Earl
Also combat pictures are now mostly uniform. Positioning of characters varies a little, but they're the same size within a couple pixels, and they've got a nice area of blue above them. What's the blue area for? Taller characters. Now if a character is taller than Jessica you can actually see the difference in the fight screen. I'm going to apply the same thing to the conversation screens when I get around to overhauling those.
Anyway, download is here:
Let me know what you all think, feedback and bug reports are always appreciated. My apologies I was unable to deal with the previous bugs, if they persist please try and narrow down the cause/when the bugs start/when the bugs end/what exactly happened when you got a bug, so I can try and fix it.
Pudding Earl
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
So, I was putting the finishing touches on the new images, testing to see if they played nice. They did, bit squished, but that's really just some number tweaking that I need to do and honestly will just encourage me to fix up the interface. Aaaaand then I hit some errors. Which I can easily fix. But not at 3:30 am. So you can wait until tomorrow to get your new content and your new stripping images and most importantly your fancy new smart word wrap that automatically breaks things up into paragraphs to cut down on unnecessary continue buttons.
Sorry about the delay!
Pudding Earl
Sorry about the delay!
Pudding Earl
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Shield High JS 0.61 finally releases. Proves Pudding Earl was just slack.
Okay, so I finally did like, a tiny bit more. Not as much as I'd hoped. The writing panned out fine but I encountered an unexpected error and I just wasn't up for fixing it tonight, but I promised a release, so here it is. You can now advance to the end of the week, the second Karen fight is on Friday. I am aware the pictures are terrible, and I'm going to fix them next week I promise.
Speaking of next week, here's what you can expect:
-Actual payoff for winning vs Karen.
-Improvements to the pictures in a more standardized way.
-Probably some improvements with font size in smaller resolutions to allow the larger text to fit. Or some other form of solution to the text fitting into the box problem.
Beyond that:
-*Maybe* the first part of the Iris plotline again, to fill out the first week.
-Also the return of Samantha and co, likely with some expansion on the idea.
Yeah, weekends are going to be the big thing that I need to work out, so I'll probably spend a couple days a week fixing that, and the rest on porting week one content/adding any new first week content.
Also, classes each day are switched up. I plan to put in a schedule at some point. Until then I made a list of the classrooms for you:
Speaking of next week, here's what you can expect:
-Actual payoff for winning vs Karen.
-Improvements to the pictures in a more standardized way.
-Probably some improvements with font size in smaller resolutions to allow the larger text to fit. Or some other form of solution to the text fitting into the box problem.
Beyond that:
-*Maybe* the first part of the Iris plotline again, to fill out the first week.
-Also the return of Samantha and co, likely with some expansion on the idea.
Yeah, weekends are going to be the big thing that I need to work out, so I'll probably spend a couple days a week fixing that, and the rest on porting week one content/adding any new first week content.
Also, classes each day are switched up. I plan to put in a schedule at some point. Until then I made a list of the classrooms for you:
Now, download link:
Sorry I'm a terrible game developer! I'll try and be better from now on.
Pudding Earl.
Sunday, 8 December 2013
Ego Promises!
So like, I've been slacking. Obviously. I have a couple other things I'm working on, so I keep neglecting Shield High and telling myself it's okay because I did work on some other thing. And it's really, really not. So this is me motivating myself to actually work by putting my ego on the line. THERE WILL BE A RELEASE THIS WEEK!
The exact quality of that release is up for question, I may not have time to update the pictures, but Karen fight 2 will be absolutely implemented. Then I'll try and hit a weekly or fortnightly release schedule again.
I'm really, really sorry for my absence.
Pudding Earl.
The exact quality of that release is up for question, I may not have time to update the pictures, but Karen fight 2 will be absolutely implemented. Then I'll try and hit a weekly or fortnightly release schedule again.
I'm really, really sorry for my absence.
Pudding Earl.
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