Tuesday, 10 April 2012

On time as always: Shield High 0.15 released.

Pudding Earl plays Starcraft. I considered putting that in the title but decided against it. Instead it goes in the first line, followed by an awkward explanation, which I then go on to ignore for the rest of the post.

The title says it all folks! Shield High 0.15 is now done. And for the first time ever I actually went out and hunted down INCOVENIENCE bugs, rather than just game-breaking ones. When I say hunted down I mean had play-testers complain and point them out easy enough for me to quickly fix them. Regardless, debugging is debugging, and 0.15 is smoother than ever. Now it's more like coarse sand paper, as opposed to a saw blade. In addition to that I touched up some of the plot, and actually programmed out a new fight. But I didn't add the required framework for the fight to actually be accessed because that last bit was a little rushed. Next week not only will you have a new fight, but you'll also have a nearly fully polished, shiny version of 0.2.

Yes, that's right, next week is 0.2. This is my promise. Now I'm going to eat those words, but hey, at least I went out doing what I love, spinning glorious lies for no real purpose or gain. Now to quickly distract you and hope you forget I said anything, HERE'S THE DOWNLOAD LINK!


As always, I hope you enjoy, or at least find it good enough to not send me hate mail.

Pudding Earl.

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