Title says it all folks. Thanks to the guys over at /d/ pointing out a bunch of bugs I'd completely missed I've patched up lots of little over-sights I'd made previously, and gotten the game into a significantly less buggy state. Which isn't to say it's without bugs, just that it's got LESS bugs. I'm sure knowing my luck I'll show off 0.15 in all it's polish, and someone will instantly poke a hole in it. But that's to be expected with a game in such an early stage of development.
Since I mentioned 0.15, I figure I'll give a quick run-down of what's to be expected. The Punish feature for Karen now exists, means winning her as a slave actually gives you a real benefit. I've got the Service feature slated next on the slave front, followed by the Reward feature. Though don't expect those for a while. Other things that 0.15 is doing include a bit of plot advancement. Don't expect any new fights this week, but I'll be adding almost all of the infrastructure for them, so 0.16 can be purely fight programming. So basically, unless I somehow over-shoot the mark, 0.15 is looking to be an important, but fairly light update, mostly dealing with maintenance. A sad state, but an unfortunately necessary one. I'd postpone the release a bit and promise more solid content, but the bug-fixes included make this kind of like a hot-fix, that happened on the scheduled updating period. So nothing like a hot-fix. Whatever.
Once more, a big thanks to all of you who've tried the game out, I hope you all enjoyed it, and I hope I stay on your radar long enough to impress.
Pudding Earl.
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