Monday, 19 December 2016

A brief observation

So I'm writing some Lucy dialogue as part of the spring cleaning update that won't be appearing this update. It's part of a longer term goal for characters and since I don't have all the systems in place to keep Shield High dynamic it's not going to come up anytime soon. However it got me thinking about something interesting. It's been years since I wrote original Shield High, and so the voices of all the girls have been lost. I remember how some of them talk(Angel and Jillian I still have a decent grip on) but some girls didn't ever get enough content for me to develop a long lasting feeling for them.

What this means is that a lot of girls are going to change in this new version, pick up personality traits that I feel fit them, but weren't there in the original. I think I'm gonna have to go back and read all my original sex scenes when making new content going forward to make sure it all feels like the old stuff. At least in terms of tastes each girl has.

That's all I wanted to share. Just found it a bit interesting and worth sharing.

Pudding Earl


  1. If it's possible, please don't change her too much. Lucy+Alison (blackmail) was my favorite route D:

    1. Oh no, that is absolutely remaining. I'm not really changing anything that they do, that all sticks with me, and so the changes are all made with actions in mind. It's just a different speech pattern, outward attitude and general refinement of what was a very vague outline of a character back in the day.

  2. Hmm interesting, I guess it's the type of content also? Like some girls had lots of dom content, but ok she's dom, doesn't say much about her actual character maybe.

    But I remember one of the two best friends (two from the intro start) was a kind of introvert, closet dom heh. Think she had the line 'we're friends so I can say you were totally hot getting done by ....' after a loss or something. While she usually said very little (the other friend helped you with advice, training etc.). Sometimes one or two lines can say more than whole paragraphs.

    1. Was Kaylee a closet dom? I assume it's Kaylee since Sasha is the one who does training. She did talk a lot though, more than Sasha, if you engaged in dialogue with her. She said less in plot stuff mostly because she's dumb and Sasha is the one who knows what's going on. But I don't remember her being a dom? I thought in the one actual sex scene she has she was sub.

  3. Yeah sounds like her, bit of a ditz. Iirc, there's two main scenes that show that, other than the comments about you being hot when you lose.
    One with the game over fight loss to Melanie (sp), she gets both your friends to dom you and it's Kaylee who's totally into it.

    And later on with that date you mentiond, yeah I think she was sub but if you'd lost before (and had those 'you're hot') comments (not sure if you needed that as a trigger to that path), she'd say next time she gets to top.
