Friday, 4 November 2016

Further updates!

So, after the consulting, save files were still a bit broken. They're now fixed and working and all fancy like in my opinion. With that done, I've been working on the events again. The first plot I want to make is programmed. I haven't tested it yet, because I need to do the writing, and set up the game to search for a new plot, which is only half done, and there's just a lot of things not right yet. But they will be right in the near future, and once the first one is done, the others will roll out a lot quicker. So, I'm pretty confident we could be looking at four plots for when you submit to Karen.

Will there be anything else? Not sure, maybe. I might find time to do up weekends like I want to. I'll also be populating out the school with more NPCs (current count is 13) and giving them all descriptions and things. The descriptions are the old ones, I didn't really see any point in re-doing them. I've come to the conclusion in the process of adding all these NPCs, that it'll only get easier going forward. A big hurdle to my development right now is in addition to making the plots, I have to add the NPCs and add new features as needed to make plots work, and so on. Once these features are all in place, and the school is full of varied characters who all automatically fill whatever niche is needed for whatever plot I'm making, it'll all go a lot faster.

As a final point of addition we have Charm Checks! Dialogue options that test against your charisma. At present you gain EXP for passing them, since I want to make the socialite angle a viable way to try and play out Shield High. We'll see how it all works out, and I might change it if it proves too gameable.

Anyway, that's all for this week, more news next week!

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