Friday, 20 February 2015

The realism post

So, as you all know like, a month ago I said I'd be ready in a week or two. And I wasn't ready in that week or two, obviously. I have a bunch of excuses but that's what they are really. Excuses. I was distracted writing my book(which I've now finished), my ex showed up(for a whole day), I'm developing a late night social life(which I could still balance with writing Shield High) etc. The point is there's a lot of reasons it doesn't get done, but those aren't good reasons and I should probably front up to that. So, I'm being realistic here. A lot of my passion for Shield High just...isn't there anymore. I don't get excited to write about it like I used to, and programming it is more a chore than ever. Which is why I'm saying it's entirely possible I will do the thing I never wanted to do and abandon the game before it's finished.

All that having been said, I'm not abandoning the game today. I am, in fact, releasing 0.63 which has forbidden rooms, some of which work. I don't know why it lists ones that aren't forbidden and I can't be bothered to fix it. The number in the top left corner will indicate if you're in one or not. Also adding in a thing that makes the girls go to class. I will be trying to spend every night for the next week on Shield High. What will I be doing? Whatever the fuck takes my fancy right now, writing dialogue for characters probably. I know it's a pretty shitty thing to do but the first priority for this project is getting my heart back in it and to do that I need to fall in love again. And Catriona is pretty. I wanna do Catriona stuff.

Anyway, link is here:

I know it's not enough to justify the wait and those of you who have kept posting comments and stuff, I really appreciate it. I do see them even if I don't respond most of the time. Mostly out of guilt, since I'm being realistic. I hate coming back to tell you guys that all I've done is fuck up. Which should hopefully motivate me to not fuck up iuno. Don't get your hopes up. Do pester me with polite e-mails. By polite I mean...honestly anything other than asking for an update schedule. Make some girls in Kisekae for me to want to steal. Write a fan fiction or something iuno. Hell, just post me something I wrote for that one I probably won't notice at this stage. I'm rambling at this point so I'm going to stop.

Sorry and enjoy,

Pudding Earl

P.S. Not dead.


  1. Hey, thanks for the update, and on a side note, nice to see you're not dead ;). Part of the grind might be there's alot of duplication to getting it where the Rags version was, hell I know that's why I hate savepoints in games as opposed to save anywhere. But yeah, work on parts you'll enjoy.

    BTW, if you want some feedback, can you say what triggers forbidden rooms? Do you have to be not enslaved, enslaved etc. If it's not common and a bit buggy, might be hard to find and see what's up without some knowledge of the setup.


    1. Oh yeah, forbidden rooms is an enslaved feature, after reporting to your Mistress a room can be set to forbidden. If you pass through while other characters are there there's a chance they'll let your mistress know and then you're in trouble.

  2. Update at last.^^ The forbidden rooms do work but it seems that once there are forbidden rooms almost every encounter with Karen triggers the punishment. I like that scene though btw, problem is i can`t read it to the end, might be because im playing on 800 x 600. Good to see that it doesn`t crash at week 3 anymore. The Adrianna bug is still there but if Catriona content is on it`s way then i know what i would rather see in the next update.

    1. I actually forget what that bug is it's been so long. Remind me and I'll see if I can do a quick fix the day before update.

      As for the not reading the end of it, that'd be because, due to the dynamic nature of who the player's mistress is, and me being a lazy shit who doesn't want to write a whole new set of random events for every single character, it builds the entry when needed. As such the stuff that processes every text entry into smaller ones never touches it. I forgot that would be an issue, so I'll touch on it this week as well.

      Look at me, knowing how my own game works. When did this happen. When did I learn enough to understand a problem just from it's description. Someone send help.

    2. Well actually there are 2 of them. The first one happens when you claim Melanie resulting in a functioning battle with Adrianna, the catch just is winning or losing doesn`t matter since it triggers Angels intervention either way. The battle also occurs on the next day once more. The second one comes about when you register Melanie, this simply leaves you unable to fight Adrianna since the continue button doesn`t work when you are about to chose which slave you want as her ante. One funny thing, in the first run of this new version Karen stripped me in our first battle in just 4 actions. That was honestly brutal, funny yet astoundingly brutal.
