Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Shield High JS 0.624 Releases

Ta-da! I kept a promise for once, and did the testing and stuff tonight. There's currently a few small problems with the new bet system but I'll fix that up later. Right now it doesn't really have a major impact on the game, it's largely just necessary framework for the future. So it's like most features really. Anyway, Andriana fight should have all the necessary stuff for being wrapped up added. I don't actually know. I didn't test it. I got tired of re-doing everything from all the testing the bet system.

Anyway, download is here:

Pick a path from the old game, see if it still works. The fight against Melanie has been removed though. I think the rest should be functional though. I *think*. Anyway, next update will involve some enslaved content. Requests would be appreciated, as I only have a few ideas for features in mind right now. Please note this will not be the total enslaved product, but more like, four or five events that can happen in it, just to give you something to do in the meantime. I'll also be writing fight entries for Stacy, so if the slave stuff proves really tricksy that might end up being released first. I don't know.

Anyway, enjoy!

Pudding Earl


  1. Thanks a lot man. I'll try this out in the next day or two.

  2. The Andriana fight won`t work for me. The event starts but thats about it, the continue button completly ignores what it`s supposed to do...
    Only other complaint I still have is that text still gets chopped off or mingled in when fighting in 800*600.
    Nice to see that you updated the text for the Karen fight though.^^ (regarding the date of the fight)
    On the matter of requests: When enslaved there should be event intervalls kind of like with stacy. I also would like it if you can try to rebell, with the consequences of course may they be good or bad. I`ll see if I can come up with some other things I would like, kinda hard to come up with stuff out of the blue.
    Thanks from me aswell, allready looking forward to the next build.

    1. In order to fix your problem I need to know how you got to the Andriana fight. Seeing as it gets called in two different ways, did you register Melanie as a slave, or did you claim her as a vacant slave?

      Also thanks for the feedback as always, I'll try to get around to the combat text at some point. As for the enslaved stuff, I will be looking at stuff like you suggested, but not immediatly, making the full content for escaping and the like is a bit beyond my immediate scope, so I'll just be doing some general filler content for the moment, until I can think of how to implement everything. Even the filler is being painful though.

    2. I got to the fight via registering, after reading your post i tried it per claiming and that works just fine.
      And no worries I can wait, especially since I am quite sure that it will be worth the wait. In other words don`t rush to much, rushing can be a MAJOR pain in the ass when programming...

    3. Indeed, if you register Mellanie as your slave, nothing happens. Claiming works, though.

      Ehm, if I have to give you some advice, make some room descriptions. Even though some people couldn't be bothered to read them, it makes traveling trough the school that much better. It doesn't have to be elaborate, of course, but a short description and a notification about the rooms surrounding it would be nice.

      Furthermore, make some quick placeholder for girls without talking content. Stuff like "I have nothing to talk about" are enough and really are way better than pushing on the talk-button with nothing happening.

      A tutorial about the fighting system would be appreciated. Some things to think about. Will play it some more tomorrow and take notes on specific situations in which the dialogue wasn't complete enough.

  3. Ya bugs seem to be the biggest issue for me mostly named above but keep up the good work.

  4. Alright. Did look a bit further (not finished everything, of course) and this is what I notice:

    -Can you make some text pop up that makes it clear I saved? Loaded is obvious, but saving is tricky.

    -Taster-text, like when you push on talk, yet the one has nothing tot talk about. "I don't know what to say, though.", for example. Should be possible, looks way better. Same with politics

    -A tad bit more of a description for every room, telling the player about the exits of the room and maybe a bit about the appearance of the room itself. Already pointed this out, but it still is a must. Descriptions are funky.

    -When I have made a choice, sometimes, the buttons are still there and I can actually choose another time, another thing entirely. You should make a check on this. It really is bothersome.

    -A tutorial explaining what action does what and is strong against what, or telling you why you have submission, lust and that other thing could be implemented into the training scenes with ze girls. Would be appreciated. Could be done without breaking immersion.

    -Karen's challenge/submit choice: If I'm correct, the buttons say things like "submit to her" where "Submit" would be better, seeing it fits the button.

    -Lessons don't have text yet. Know this isn't that important, but still, felt like pointing it out.

    -It seemed like the fights had no intro, but the fight starts before you can read the intro. Making a continue button that starts the fight would solve the problem, as the fight is only cued after the continue button is hit, giving people the wonderful opportunity to read the text you wrote down.

    -Ehm, maybe tell players in some way what their actions might lead to.

    -Karen's picture in the weekend is that of Olivia, I think.

    -Claiming Mellanie as vacant slave makes text appear that ends in a sentence. Continue button seems missing.

    -In combat, text overlaps with the actions taken. This can be solved in two ways. Don't show the action or whittle down some of the entries a bit.

    I had more, but this is all I remember for now. Anyways, good job. It's really great to see this move from a rags-game into a real one.

  5. Nice update, looking forward to the next one.

    1. Don't hold your breath. It'll be a while. I *still* have no idea how to program the stuff. I'll work it out eventually and then have it done within a week. But yeah, no clue how long it'll take.

    2. Hey no problem. I have no idea how to program this stuff either. The fact that you've been committed to the project despite a lack of monetary incentive is really commendable.

      I swear one of these days I'll try to make my own game. It just seems too cool.
