Thursday, 18 July 2013

Next combat demo

Okay, I'll admit, this shouldn't have taken as long as it did. I had it done ages ago with like, two or three things to add. And then I never added them and got side-tracked by other things. BUT IT'S OKAY CAUSE I GOT MOTIVATED AND FINISHED IT FINALLY.

So, things that I changed: I made it prettier. A lot prettier. Also I added text entries, which was part of the delay. I think I fixed up a few other things, like AI problems. Anyway, combat demo is ready for release, and I'll work on the non-combat section of the game next. Expect that to take a while. Post comments if you're getting impatient. Fan feedback always gets me working. Once I've got the opening sequence made up I'll post a new demo.

Download link:

Okay, now, for those of you who love me and want to do testing and shit, here's what I need.
If bugs are happening with numbers, I need to know. So record your numbers, record your roll and your bonuses, try and work out where bonuses are coming from etc. before reporting bugs.
The game records both your current and previous actions, if something appears to break, I need to know how it broke, I need to know every situation that occured, so I can scour the code and work it out.
If you find a bug, try and get it to happen again. The more instances of the bug you can find, the more common factors I can work out and use to solve the problem.

Hope you enjoy the crappy writing, and thanks for any bug hunting you do.

Pudding Earl


  1. I can't report any bugs because I'm not sure what's actually supposed to be happening.

    Is there any documentation about how it's supposed to work? There's a roll and then it's modified, but I don't know what it's modified by so I don't know if it's getting the right amount. Sometimes actions will fail regardless of the rolls and I don't know if that's supposed to happen based on action choices? Sometimes there's three rolls and I don't know if the results are added together or ignored or what.

    Basically, what should be going on? Then I can tell you if it's not.

    1. I'll write up a quick guide to how it all works tomorrow. For now: numbers are given a +1 modifier by default for stats, bonuses are based on actions being used and the state you're in, for instance red actions get a bonus when you're in the air.

      Additional rolls are done for grappled actions. First set is attempts to escape, second set are if damage is applied. That's the tl;dr.

  2. The only bugs I notice thus far is the "Fuck" action if Karen uses it doesn't seem to have any dialogue, which sometimes makes her start using Grapples when she's controlling you still.

    Also it seems if she strips your bra, it also has no text either.

    1. That's more a matter of feature fixing. I haven't yet coded in fight conclusions, which, when done, will stop the fight when someone's skirt comes off in this fight. As for fuck not working, same deal kinda, I'm going to include a way to select what piece of clothing to remove, once you've got panties off fuck will become an option. Since panties aren't coming off in this fight, it didn't get written.

    2. But I wanted to get Jessica all naked!
      I mean, watch helplessly as Karen strips her and does naughty things to her.

  3. Seems like after an opponent has been completely stripped then teased and fucked until they can't even move, that would be a good time to break out all of those toys being sold in the gym.

    Source: Princess of the Ring

  4. I havent found any bugs personally other than the text not being there for certain instances. But if we can make suggestions can there be no continue button like it was in the other battle system? Also a submit button would be awesome :D
