Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Hiatus Update

Okay, so it's been ages since I've posted here, and I figured everyone deserved to be in the know on what is going down for Shield High and Pudding Games in general. First off, my personal problems are resolving. They're not yet entirely stable, but I'm all around happier now than I was before, and I'm motivated again. Half of this motivation has been the fact I'm working on a new project for Pudding Games with a team of 8-ish people and I'm really pumped to see how that turns out. Unfortunately, that project is consuming all of my creative writing juices, which brings me to what everyone actually cares about, Shield High.

I managed to keep weekly updates going for a good part of a year because of momentum. When I started I was full of ideas and weekly releases were easy. By the end of the year every release was a struggle as keeping the content fresh and interesting was getting harder and harder. Once that momentum got lost by tricky events in my life, getting back on track proved really, really hard. By this stage anything resembling that momentum is gone. So, does this mean Shield High is cancelled?

Of course not. I've been planning to transition Shield High over to being actually coded for a while now, and since I'm just now regaining the functionality to resume studying, I'm going to be aiming to start doing that by the end of the month. If I'll succeed, no clue, but that's the goal. I figure building the engine up, and having to polish the content will get me back into a good swing of things, and allow me to continue making good updates. So basically, Shield High will remain on hiatus until 0.6 is ready, however expect the first part of another, completely different, project to be showing it's face in a month or two. I still have to pull together a lot more work on this new thing.

Anyway, sorry for the delays.

Pudding Earl


  1. Great to hear
    Is there any chance your still taking donations?

    1. I'm ALWAYS taking donations. Requests however are sitting in that iffy "When I get around to it" space, if that's what you're after.

  2. Any hints towards the new game you are working on? You have spiked my interest.

    1. Sure, the hint is while I say it's for Pudding Games, it's going to be released under "Pudding Productions". It's not a game. It is, however, game-related. That's all I'm saying.
