Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Finally a release. 0.511 released.

Well, I said there'd be a delay, and there was a delay. But now here it is, 0.511. What's in it? Honestly, not much. I had a pretty rough week which basically had my work ethic shot. And while the problem is solved, my work ethic isn't. In fact, it's getting worse, and I'm not sure why. I'm not going on hiatus or anything, don't worry, just don't expect a lot from the releases right now.

So anyway, what's in this week's release? A fight with Bailey. It's not my best work, I'll admit, but it's there. So now if you refuse the Mistresses something should actually happen. I'll be crawling towards the finished denial content, but I've got a bunch of stuff to do in the mean time. Mostly because I don't think doing more fights is a good idea.

Anyway, download link is here:

Hope you enjoy it, my apologies for the wait.

Pudding Earl

EDIT: Re-uploaded to fix stupid glitch involving RAGS stupid interface and method.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks man. Yep works and it's not bad. You're a good writer so your ave stuff is still better than most ;).

    For the RL stuff, maybe just unplug for a while? I've gone for walks in the ravine we have close by, if it ends up being a couple of hours plus, I know I was wound up somehow. Not a big nature nut, but somehow something constant like trees and stuff regrounds me if that makes sense hhe.
    Take care man,
