Thursday, 31 January 2013

Oh yeah. There's a tournament.

This is a thing I should have posted about sooner but didn't. Man I am Mr. Organisation. Anyway, point is Pudding Games is sponsoring a LoL tournament and if you happen to be able to magic a team up to be ready to play in the short time you can still sign up you should. If you can't, you should totally follow the tournament anyway because I'll be playing and demanding that the matches get put up on youtube.

Tournament info is here:

Check it out and sorry I completely forgot about it until now!

Pudding Earl

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Finally a release. 0.511 released.

Well, I said there'd be a delay, and there was a delay. But now here it is, 0.511. What's in it? Honestly, not much. I had a pretty rough week which basically had my work ethic shot. And while the problem is solved, my work ethic isn't. In fact, it's getting worse, and I'm not sure why. I'm not going on hiatus or anything, don't worry, just don't expect a lot from the releases right now.

So anyway, what's in this week's release? A fight with Bailey. It's not my best work, I'll admit, but it's there. So now if you refuse the Mistresses something should actually happen. I'll be crawling towards the finished denial content, but I've got a bunch of stuff to do in the mean time. Mostly because I don't think doing more fights is a good idea.

Anyway, download link is here:

Hope you enjoy it, my apologies for the wait.

Pudding Earl

EDIT: Re-uploaded to fix stupid glitch involving RAGS stupid interface and method.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

A note on this week's update.

I'd have released it by now on a normal week. This isn't a normal week. Basically, I procrastinated and over-estimated myself, and now I have half finished content and I refuse to release without this content being at least playable, so I'm putting off release until tomorrow, most likely.

Just so everyone's on the same page.

Pudding Earl.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Weo Weo Upate. Shield High 0.51 released.

Yup, we're now up to 0.51. That means I'm pretty happy with how the Regan fight is sitting. It might get a few touch ups later, but it's unlikely. Next on the list will be some general updates, then one of the five other fight scenes that are needed. Then all of the slave content. Goodness I'm busy.

Download is here:


Pudding Earl

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Holy shit I did it. 0.503 releases.

I spent the weekend at a friend's house. So I couldn't do any work. Before that I'd done a bit of bug fixing, that's it. So when I got home on monday night, I had to do a mad crunch to get all of the fight with Regan written up. And then the two other major players for the Pudding Games LoL team were online. So we spent an hour getting qualified for Twisted Treeline. We're silver, for anyone who cares. Anyway, point is I wrote the majority of the fight scene in one night, and touched it up today ready for release. It's not quite finished, but it's playable. Needs a little more polish next week.

Download is here:


Pudding Earl

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Whoosh! Bam! 0.502 released!

And boy does it bring a lot! Actually that's kind of a lie. It brings about the usual amount. But whatever, fuck you. Here's a list of what it has:

-Possible scenes with Lucy and Alison in week 7 (oooooh)
-Main plot advancements
-Another "secret" scene, for those lucky sick fucks amongst you.
-Emily ending actually ends.
-Biker plot now does THINGS!

Wow it's been a while since I've done a list for updates. And by a while I mean I haven't done them since I started almost a year ago. Scary. So what's on the agenda for next week? More main plot mostly. Also some more Iris content, of the not-romantic variety. Also for you Brandi lovers, you're getting some more love in the upcoming weeks.

Download link:

Hope you enjoy it, and as always hit me up on IRC if you haven't already!

Pudding Earl

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

So about that release...

Instead I had jet lag and passed out before sunset most days. For those who don't know I have a hard time doing Shield High during daylight. It's an hour past sunset now and I'm too tired to think of things to write. Also it's too hot. So yeah, this week's release is postponed while I recover from jet lag. I am aware I should be over it by now. I almost am. Deal with it.

If I have the content I was gonna do tonight done tomorrow there might be a SUPER tiny release. Iuno. We'll wait and see.

Happy New Year everyone

Pudding Earl