Monday, 1 October 2012

More personal information and boring stuff that isn't lesbians

I figured you all deserve an update on what's going on, since it will affect your Shield High experience. As previously stated, I'm pretty much homeless. Previously I was living with my father, however I doubt that will ever be an option again. I'm currently at my mother's house, however I can really only stay for a week. I intended to move to my grandmother's after that, however that's looking questionable right now. The main issue being that she can't support me, and I won't have an income for the next 6 weeks + while I deal with the public health system.

So this is the bit where I tack on a bit about donations and stuff, because Shield High is the only thing I'm doing the can possibly make me any form of an income. I'm not expecting anything from you guys, but I figure there's no harm in putting it out there, in case some of you both really really love me and have an insane amount of disposable income. What I really need right now is a semi-dependable source of income. Not single time donations, more of a weekly thing. As I said, I'm not expecting anything, but it would be an absolute god-send right now, and help a ton to keep Shield High in production. Also earn you a place in the credits because seriously you'd deserve it. I feel like I can't say it enough that I'm not expecting this to happen, there's no need to feel like you have to do it, I'm just throwing the idea out there in case anyone has the means and desire to help, but didn't know what I'd need.

Back to the point of Shield High production. It will be continuing while I'm in between homes, but releases will be more sporadic, based on if/when I can get good enough internet access, or have enough content, as I will be taking some nights off to focus on actually fixing my situation.

Thanks for being amazing fans,

Pudding Earl

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