Saturday, 9 June 2012

That time of the update schedule.

This happens every month I'm sure. I sit down to write the update, and I stare at the content blankly not sure what to write. This is what happens when I'm not doing a plot. This is why so many features are missing. Because I honestly do not know what to write about in half of them. So what happens when I reach that time of the update schedule? The bit before I hint at the next plot, but after I've done all the work on the one before? Well, I polish, that's what. Which is what I'm doing this week. There's a bit of content, sure, sometimes I get caught by a mood and write something. I'd like to see all of being enslaved by Karen done this week. But most of it's minor stuff, fixing little errors, or just adding depth. Like how the centre of the schoolyard is now cleaned up post-fight every week. Or how a few Joyce bugs have been fixed. It's small things, but I think they make Shield High an over-all nicer game to play. Text-games have the easiest to spot problems, and so fixing them up should be a high priority. Sadly it's not, because I hate trouble shooting. But boredom does strange things.

Anyway, that's my little bit of news on 0.32. My apologies it won't have the content it should, I'm trying to get motivated to include a bunch more stuff, so we'll see what happens.

Pudding Earl.

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