Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Shield High: Jessica's Story reaches 0.24

And brings with it the plot! This update felt big when I was writing it. When I reviewed it, it seemed a lot smaller. It sets the scene for the plot, gives you a run-down of what's happening, and honestly, it ups the ante a fair bit. This is the plot that ties up the first act, and prepares Jessica's Story to get a lot more intense. Now that I've hyped it up more than I can possibly live up to, I'll give a quick run-down of what's in it:
-Story-related scenes.
-More relationship and ero scenes
-A new fight type, and a new fight that uses it.

Sounds like crap all, but trust me, it's a lot more than it sounds. 0.25 will be bringing the rest of the plot. 0.3 should be released after, to wrap it all up. So, download link can be found here:

And as always I hope you enjoy, and a small reminder that there's a request feature for if you want a specific fetish to appear, or just more content in a general direction.

Pudding Earl.

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