Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Pudding Games Launch!

Greetings and Salutations.

Welcome to the Pudding Games Development Blog! Here you'll be able to download various game projects I've been working on, hear the latest news on future updates of said projects, as well as read the unimportant ramblings that I occasionally deem worthy of writing a blog post for. It should be noted that this is actually my first attempt at seriously making games, after numerous failed efforts that I simply didn't have the motivation to pull off. As such expect that some of my works will be sub-optimal, especially since they will mostly be in their early stages, and thus even more prone to glitches, and guaranteed to be feeling slightly incomplete.

Now that I've got the talk of me aside, I can unveil the first of my many projects to come. Shield High, a text ero-RPG focused around a highly improbable school, and the shenanigans that occur within. The plot is difficult to summarize at best, so instead I'll settle for a content run-down. Shield High's content varies from pathetically tame, such as girls merely being stripped to their underwear, to blatant sexual slavery and gang rape. All of the content is entirely lesbian, in fact, I don't think there's even going to be a male character in there. On average the content will usually be focused around public humiliation, with occasional forays into outright BDSM.

Shield High is currently in a 0.1 stage, with only the first, semi-compulsary plot in place. There's a couple of bugs, and more than a few dead ends, however it's playable, and feedback is always a nice thing.

Download can be found here: or in a link on the side.

Shield High, like many of my games, uses Rags, the player can be found here:

I hope you all enjoy Shield High, as well as any future projects I feel are good enough for public release.

Pudding Earl.

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