Hey everyone!
Sorry for the absence of posting/content, I've been focused on other pursuits of late, and getting a job I hate. So much, in fact, I've decided to try and chase a new bit of work doing professional GMing. My original plan was to start off exclusively with a Pokemon game, however a short joke with my wife about running Shield High as a roleplaying game actually turned into a very serious idea, and so here I am posting to announce...
You can now sign up for a proper Shield High roleplaying experience! I've posted all of the information on Roll20, which you can find here: https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/138666/shield-high-your-story
However for those of you who hate clicking links, the long and short of it is, it's $25 per person for a 4 hour session, with a minimum of 3 people per session, and maxing out at 6. The system will be different to the one from the game, as quite frankly pinning down balance in my combat system is about as hard as pinning down your opponent for any meaningful amount of time. Instead I'll be using Cortex, a nice narrative system with a very simple dice system.
You'll be playing as first years in a potentially AU Shield High, where trios aren't quite...trios, since I could have 4+ players and I don't want to split you across groups if I can help it. Jessica will obviously be non-canon, but ideally every other girl will be present. It's obviously going to be an adult game, there will be some lewdness going on, though the frequency of being enslaved is going to be decreased in comparison to Jessica's Story.
If people are interested in trying this out, you can throw a comment on this post, respond on Roll20, just like...email me, or jump on the discord and chat about it. I will be giving fans of the game preferential treatment for placing you into games wherever possible.
Hope to hear from some of you!
Pudding Earl