Monday, 25 August 2014

No release this week

I've been super scatterbrained this week and doing things is just hard. So I wasted like, half the time I could work. And I don't want to put the pressure on myself to rush out a half-assed amount of content for a token update. So, no update this week, and I'll try and be more on top of things next week. Sorry guys.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Shield High JS 0.626 released like I have a schedule. Critics shocked.

Ha! That's a joke. I have no critics. Only praisers. That is also a joke.

Anyway yes, I've added a LITTLE BIT of content to this update. Pretty much, the three features that I promised. I haven't yet been bitten by the writing bug, so I haven't got any new content yet. I actually need to change how events are selected, so that I can make them all general but also specific in a way. Sadists are sadistic, girls with other slaves involve them, all that stuff. It's an easy thing to set up, it'll just take a bit of time, and once it's done I should be more inspired to write.

Anyway, download just finished uploading so here:

Looking at the post from last week I'm not sure about all those features I promised. Not to say I don't intend to do them just that I don't want to dwell on this content for too long and lose sight of everything else that I need to do. So, I'm going to spend the next week or two, maybe three, adding a bunch of content, and then declaring 0.63 and starting on a different part of the update. Likely going to do a menu, level ups, all that pretty stuff soon. Then while I make the Stacy fight I'll re-balance fighting to be more...detailed and less spam-y. I'd aimed to do that originally but it just didn't work out, and now you basically win by AI being too dumb to capitalize on being ahead. Or ever get ahead.

Anyway, stuff that WILL be added:
-Detailed event selection based on how good you've been and other factors.
-Random events in some capacity. There may only be one or two of those.
-Enough events to make playing as a slave for a week or two worthwhile.
-Status tracking to try and escape. A lot of this will be "under the hood" to start with, until I get around to menu screens where I can put all this good stuff.

Stuff that's a maybe:
-Forbidden rooms. I want to get this done but it might not happen at this stage.
-Pretty much any form of detailed interaction, jobs to do, rules to follow, etc.

In fact, speaking of that jobs point, I might simply make jobs in general a thing and tack it onto the menu that I want to make. Give you a way to keep track of suggestions made by friends, fights you've picked, etc. We'll have to see about that one.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy what little changes I've made.

Pudding Earl

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Glitches: Found. Update: Present

Yes, I finally worked out my glitches. Some of them were that pesky "hasText" tag I often forget to set. I should've remembered to check my debugging manual. It's the second point on the list. Anyway, that having been said, it's not ready for an initial look. It's far, far from complete, but you have a very limited amount of events that you can go through when you get enslaved by Karen. Also only the text for obeying exists right now because...I just pulled the old events for it.

Coming next week assuming there's time:

-Disposition will actually work. Kind of important. Oh yeah, that reminds me, you can now see disposition. That went in for testing but will probably stay in since I needed to do it eventually.
-States. Like how you had a thing telling you if you were naked/collared/whatever in the old version. This will be added largely to let you know the details not covered in the next one.
-NEW PICTURES! Yes, Jessica will get a picture with a collar, and you'll be forced to walk around naked, or in your underwear, or whatever.

After that:

-Forbidden rooms. Basically, having a few places you're not allowed to go to and will get punished if you're seen in. This will also prompt me to update the number of NPCs in the world, and/or fix up pathing.
-Random events. Events that happen because you're a slave. Some of these will be as a result of being stripped or whatever. Some will end up as a side effect of orders. (Ordered to present yourself to everyone, etc.)
-Status to track how much a good girl you've been. This'll be used to determine game overs or escapes. Submit too often and you'll get a soft game over. Submit too little and you'll get a hard game over. This will roll into the eventual stats screen I want to add, and thus lead onto leveling up.

Okay so, that was a lot of information and normally I put a download link before all of that but yolo. Here it is:

Sorry it took so long,

Pudding Earl

Monday, 11 August 2014

Explanation on the delays

Okay so, this new system has been a constant run of glitches that I don't fully understand why they're happening. Every time I solve one I find a new one and then everything goes wrong and I don't even know what's going on with my game right now. Sooner or later it'll end up fixed. Now is not that time. I have no idea how long it'll take me to sort this. On the plus side, once it's sorted, it should be (at least half) done for now and I can stop fussing. Just so you all know why I haven't released when I said I would.

Sorry about all this.

Pudding Earl

Monday, 4 August 2014

Maybe a delay

I hit a bug. Instead of fixing it I completely changed how I'm approaching the immediate situation. It's not a huge re-work but it means pulling up everything I've done so far to make it fit. I'm probably going to only release with three events that existed in the old game and a bit of placeholder text to simply test that the system works and check people like the general direction I'm starting it off on.

Point is, I may take a day or two longer than I'd like to get it all together. Just so you all know. Sorry about this, I wanna get this as right as I can.

Pudding Earl