Monday, 31 March 2014

An unfortunate announcement

Hey everyone,

So, I've been trying to keep at it and work on Shield High's just not coming to me. As such, I've decided that I won't be developing it anymore. I'm really sorry to everyone who was looking forward to more, but I'm just not feeling the motivation anymore.

Sorry everyone,

Pudding Earl

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

An update and also a question

Okay so, not quite fully recovered, but I'm getting a lot better. Just trying to stop spending my nights procrastinating, and start actually working. Speaking of working, I actually have a serious question for you all in regards to a design decision I'm looking at. How much does the combat text matter to you? When I started I intended for it to be the central appeal, but as time went on the heavy content ended up being put elsewhere. Now, I'm not considering removing the combat text or anything, I'm just thinking it might be easier if I didn't write a unique set of entries for every single combat, but instead wrote general entries that got assigned to characters. There'd still be variety, obviously, but it'd be closer to like, 10 variations, instead of the 40 or so I'm probably looking at.

So, would that be a huge problem in your opinion? Or should I go right ahead and cut back on my work load?

Also of note: When I get back to work I plan to just focus on combat entries for a couple weeks and get as much done as possible, so I can run out a lot of content in one go.

Sorry for my absence!

Pudding Earl