Thursday, 24 October 2013



I think that covers everything. I'll be doing some more writing very soon, and resuming programming after the jetlag.

That is all

Pudding Earl.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

As promised. 0.603 brings crappy menu screen and resolution options.

I was going to call it a title screen. Then I remembered I haven't even put a title on it. That's how lazy I was about this. But, the game should now change resolutions based on the options you pick in the options menu. I should note I haven't tested these options, so some look stupid. 800 x 600 is particularly bad. Also the text doesn't change sizes. Let me know which have problems, and I'll make text fixes later. I've decided on matters of resolution appearances, my computer can't be trusted, and I have to see what you guys are getting.

Anyway, download:

I'll be putting in a bit of work on 0.61 this week, before I'm on holiday for the weekend. Remember that girl I mentioned who inspired Shield High? Probably not. Those of you who do, I'm off to see her. Once I get back I'll hopefully be more motivated and ready to work.


Pudding Earl

Saturday, 5 October 2013

0.602 arrives. Not a lot added.

Okay so, I've finished up 0.602. Had some issues with getting all the fiddly bits to work. Next days and stuff were iffy. Also the whole, re-working all of the interface to be adjustable in size. That was a pain too. It'll probably be changed again too at some point to allow you to set your own screen size. But luckily the way I've got everything sorted out now that should be a fair bit easier and less time consuming. Other than that I added the first Karen fight. That was what kept me from hitting my goal. Combat dialogue is a lot more time consuming than it used to be, seeing as I've gone from writing 20-ish entries for a combat, half of which were just other entries cut off early, to writing 62-66 entries per combat, with half being variants that need significant changes. It's tricky to keep motivated through all of that.

Anyway, here's the download:

Be aware that it'll open in a little window. Hit space bar to make it full screen. I'll probably set that to happen automatically next update. Also, the character art hasn't yet been updated. That'll also be happening next update, where I'm aiming to have Karen fight two, Courtney and Olivia added, and hopefully some keyboard controls added as well.

Enjoy, sorry for delays, I'll try and rush out the next update before I go on my holiday in two weeks.

Pudding Earl.