Tuesday, 27 November 2012

0.465 Released. Pudding Earl tires of serious titles.

Seriously. That's the last one until I get to another serious release. They're boring. Anyway, this week has the first winning state of the Stacy games, and marks the peak of new content for the Stacy arc. Everything from here on will be edits. Next week should be bringing a bunch new games, since production is now easier, as well as the actual programming for being free.

Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/?4o5x8rmng2iz5cg


Pudding Earl

Monday, 19 November 2012

Shield High: Jessica's Story 0.464: The Petening.

The title totally isn't spoilers. I'm lying about that. I'm lying about lying. I'm lying about lying about lying. WHAT NOW PEOPLE? I don't really know why I did that, but anyway. 0.464 is being released, it just has the third day of guessing, BUT THE END IS IN SIGHT! Soon my friends, soon we will reach 0.5. Until then, enjoy some more guessing games.

Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?6vqh3xe9cvx4gvv


Pudding Earl

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Delayed Release. Hovering Retcon. Shield High 0.463 available.

The title kinda sums it up. Sorry this release is a little delayed, I had to crash early last night, and couldn't be bothered to rush out a post with bed looming. So anyway, here's the release, it's fairly minor, mostly Stacy plot overhead, since every day will require progressively more outcomes, and thus more tweaks to the previous entries. As for the hovering retcon, I'm thinking of changing how the week functions, so that it's easier on me to make. We shall see. Decision should be made by next week.

Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/?fw176iib62i9zub


Pudding Earl

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Shield High 0.462 release

Say, didn't that Pudding Earl chap promise us some romance this week? I do believe he did. In fact, didn't he also say he was putting off the more important content for it? I'm fairly certain so. Well, it's a jolly good show he's got that romance content ready for us.

Wait. What do you mean that's not the only content this week? Are you trying to tell me the Pudding Earl actually did MORE work than promised? Yes. That's EXACTLY what I'm telling you. So this week we have the Angel/Melanie date that was intended, and then the BEGINNING of some Stacy content. This content is subject to change as I may or may not throw my hands in the air when confronted with how ambitious it is.

Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/?tn5w23pppw0yp1o


Pudding Earl