Tuesday, 27 March 2012

0.13 on time

Even with a cold I still manage to deliver. So here it is, 0.13, in all it's glory.  I'd tell you all the changes but honestly, I think it's more fun to just let you explore around for yourself. Sadly I haven't gotten to the plot advancement yet. BUT IT'S COMING. I PROMISE. 0.14 WILL contain some serious new plot.

Download is here: http://www.mediafire.com/?3h05le5zbeb3tq8

And just a reminder for anyone new that you need the Rags Player, which is in the bar to the right. Enjoy!

Pudding Earl.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

0.13 as it's looks to be.

0.13 is still a fair bit of work away, but I've got at least a vague out-line of what it'll contain, so I figured I'd throw it up here, and then make a post later when I know the features for certain. Features as they're currently looking to be:

-Conversation with Angel. You can now actually talk to her about a lot of things, and get to know her as a character.
-More plot! Yes, that's right, I'm FINALLY advancing the plot. It won't be a huge advance, so it's not worth of 0.2 just yet, but an advance of any sort is still a pretty big deal. This will be a general plot advance, so no more of this multiple plots bullshit I've been running thus far. However, in keeping with my theme thus far, the details of the plot will vary based on what's happened previously.
-The inclusion of a character image for Jessica. Not a huge deal, but something worth noting all the same.

That's all that I've made progress on so far, however I have punishment options for Karen slated, and being worked on, and conversation options for Kaylee and Sasha are on the agenda too. Don't get your hopes up about that Karen one though, I'm not expecting to finish it until at least 0.14. There's a LOT of writing to do.

More soon.

Pudding Earl.

Jessica now has a face

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Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Long overdue update


So, not even up to 0.12 and I can't keep my own fucking schedule it seems. However, I have SOMETHING of an excuse. My net got capped, and I couldn't upload worth a damn, nor could I really update my blog in anything resembling a reasonable manner. And so, a week later with not-capped-net, I'm posting up 0.12. It's got a bit more content than I intended to put in, but not as much as it'd have if I was releasing 0.13 this week. That's partly due to laziness, partly because it was still labelled 0.12 and I didn't want to do a lot of things meant for 0.13 just yet. Also I've been doing some work on a bunch of other projects, but until they're closer to completion they'll remain a secret.

0.12 can be downloaded here: http://www.mediafire.com/?9n63mywb8dmxogs or on the side, as always. Features include:

-A shop in the locker rooms
-A time feature, as well as a re-do of the opening sequence to work with this new time feature.
-A bit of story for if you submit to Karen at the beginning.
-A bit of story for if you lose to Karen in the second fight.

Now that I've read that list I actually realized half of that was meant for 0.13, and it actually is a surprisingly large update. Oh well, 0.13 next week I guarantee it. Features to be advised.

Pudding Earl

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Shield High 0.12 preview

So, 0.12 is shaping up very nicely. Not as nicely as 0.11 I'm sad to say, some personal issues arose this week which screwed with my ability to work, so I've been working much slower. But fret not, for 0.12 IS coming and it DOES have some changes. So, here's a quick summary of what 0.12 does:

-Adds Madison, whom you can buy various toys off. These toys will allow alternate endings to fight scenes, as well as more creative punishments for slaves, when slave punishment is implemented. (Which is scheduled by 0.14, don't worry everyone.)
-Adds time to the game. I know this doesn't SEEM a big deal, but I promise you it is. For instance, the period between fighting Karen the first time and the second time no longer has to be awkward, as you have methods to advance the plot. This also means future updates that make the game more sandbox-y will have a much easier base to build upon.

That's all that I've put in so far. However, release isn't for another three days, so work will begin on alternate plot paths, primarily what happens if you submit to Karen. Don't expect that line to be fully programmed in 0.12, but I promise there will be at least the beginning of a plot there.

Pudding Earl.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Shield High 0.11 is here.

That's right ladies and gentlemen, Shield High 0.11 is officially released. It contains:

-Joyce, a major but optional plot character, she's got numerous sex scenes, and a couple game over conditions tied to her. She'll be a big asset to you, if you manage her right.
-Angel, she makes a minor appearance, and allows the player to advance if they choose wander instead of train at the beginning.
-Spelling mistakes are fixed. No more feets.
-Probably a bug fix. I don't ACTUALLY remember if I fixed it or not. If I didn't well, I'm sure you guys aren't cheaters anyway, right?

Updated game is here: http://www.mediafire.com/?l1ymgsnzehcmny3

Expect 0.12 next week.

Pudding Earl.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Shield High v0.11 just around the corner.


Not wanting to seem as though I'm unmotivated, I'm making a blog post to announce that the various loose ends of 0.1, as well as a couple of new characters are being worked on, and 0.11 will be released soon. So, quick list of things that 0.11 will do:

-Fix the issue where choosing to wander instead of train will cause the game to go no-where.
-Add Angel and Joyce as characters that can be seen and interacted with. Joyce is also a useful resource of information that can provide insight into other characters, the story as a whole, and how to best handle each fight.
-Include a game over sequence. Bad ends only for now.
-A bunch more ero-scenes, mostly tamer than what we've got so far, but they're going in a different direction.

After that, unless things go horribly off schedule I'll be releasing 0.12, and then going straight on to 0.2, which will further the plot, and provide a bit more player freedom.

Hope the few who have played are enjoying the game!

Pudding Earl.