0.13 is still a fair bit of work away, but I've got at least a vague out-line of what it'll contain, so I figured I'd throw it up here, and then make a post later when I know the features for certain. Features as they're currently looking to be:
-Conversation with Angel. You can now actually talk to her about a lot of things, and get to know her as a character.
-More plot! Yes, that's right, I'm FINALLY advancing the plot. It won't be a huge advance, so it's not worth of 0.2 just yet, but an advance of any sort is still a pretty big deal. This will be a general plot advance, so no more of this multiple plots bullshit I've been running thus far. However, in keeping with my theme thus far, the details of the plot will vary based on what's happened previously.
-The inclusion of a character image for Jessica. Not a huge deal, but something worth noting all the same.
That's all that I've made progress on so far, however I have punishment options for Karen slated, and being worked on, and conversation options for Kaylee and Sasha are on the agenda too. Don't get your hopes up about that Karen one though, I'm not expecting to finish it until at least 0.14. There's a LOT of writing to do.
More soon.
Pudding Earl.